Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

Stages of Foreign Language Learning







- The8thMatsu13 Presentations book -


containing the papers and presentations from

the 8th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference, September 21-22, 2013 in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

8回松13 プレゼンテーション・ブック

8回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama

Sept. 21& 22, 201392122

Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

December 2013


Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory     ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室発行

For Citation:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName (2013) Title-of-the-paper-you-are-citing. In:

Reinelt, R. (ed.) (2013) Stages of Foreign Language Learning. Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory EU Matsuyama, Japan, p. first page – last page.




主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室、愛媛大学  教育・学生支援機構

Organization: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University Center for General Education

All rights remain with the authors








Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

Stages of Foreign Language Learning


The 8thMatsu13 Presentation book containing papers from

The 8th FL Teaching and Research Mini-conference, September 21/22, 2013 in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan

8回松13 プレゼンテーション・ブック

8回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama

Sept. 21 & 22, 201392122



Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory

Institute for Education and Student Support

Center for General Education

Ehime University

Bunkyo-cho 3

790-8577 Matsuyama, Japan

-81-(0)89-927-9359 (T/F)



Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

December 2013


Table of Contents                                                                                              page


Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University), Introduction : Stages of Foreign Language Learning                                                                                                                     5


The extended program                                                                                       7


The Flyer                                                                                                          9


1. Ron Murphy (Ehime University愛媛大学),Performance of a Cloze Procedure as a Method for Assessing ER-induced Versus Incidental Reading Gains            10


2. Stephan Ballin (Hiroshima), About the organisation of extracurricular events for adults learners of a foreign langage                                                                               17


3. James Essex (Komazawa University 駒澤大学), The Attitudes of Japanese University Students toward Accents of (Asian) Englishes: Before and After                                19


4. Ali Safari (Masoumeh University, Iran), Acquiring Locality Conditions on English Reflexives by Persian Learners                                                                  25


5. Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University 愛媛大学),The need for German RR step 2: Towards a general education advanced beginners German course at Ehime University                                                                                                                                  35


6. Kimiko Ochi and Harry Carley (Matsuyama University 松山大学),Techniques for Teaching Beginning English Writing to University Students in Large Sized Classes                                                                                                                                48


7. Harry Carley (Matsuyama University 松山大学),How Going Green need not Leave Instructors Red with Rage in a Paperless Classroom                                                     59


Acknowledgements                                                                                             70


Timeline for 9thMatsu14                                                                                    70


Study scenes from 8thMatsu13                                                                          70

Introduction : Stages of Foreign Language Learning

Rudolf Reinelt

The 8th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama

With an audience of 10 on each day, this year’s 8thMatsu13 conference was kind of smallish, but we still heard three presentations on Saturday and four on Sunday. One complete paper was submitted afterwards.



Saturday, September 21

13:00-13:40  Ron Murphy (Ehime University愛媛大学), Using the Cloze Procedure as an Indicator of Reading Comprehension

13:50-14:30  Stephan Ballin (Hiroshima), About the organisation of extracurricular events for learners of a foreign language

14:40-15:20  James Essex (Komazawa University 駒澤大学), Attitudes to Accents of English: Before and After

Ali Safari (Masoumeh University), Acquiring Locality Conditions on English Reflexives by Persian Learners (For technical reasons, this paper was submitted after the conference).

Sunday, September 22

13:00-13:40  Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University愛媛大学), The need for German RR step 2: Towards an advanced beginners’ course at Ehime University

13:50-14:30  Kimiko Ochi and Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), Techniques for Teaching Beginning English Writing to University Students in Large Sized Classes.

14:40-15:20  Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), How Going Green need not Leave Instructors Red with Rage in a Paperless Classroom

15:30-16:10  Katrin Niewalda (Matsuyama University 松山大学), A project about games in the foreign language classroom                   


Locating the contributions within the scientific context of foreign language learning

Foreign Language learning is anything from a unitary process. For one thing, there are a wide number of areas, each of which can be characterized by a few representative questions. Only to mention a few:

- What goals does FL learning have? Are the goals defined at all? And if, how real are they? How much has to be learned?

- In contrast to first language learning: As the xth language is learned, what are the languages learned before, and how do they influence language learning this time?

- The learning environment: Does FL learning take place in an institutional context or outside of that? Are there opinions favoring FL learning or varieties of a target language? How is it supported and motivation generated?

- Are particular educational theories to be followed? Which approaches are there?

- Especially, what is the media environment like? Is it rich, limited and welcomed or not?   

- How is FL learning partitioned? Are all skills to be trained?

And to make things even more difficult, most of these areas also come in a variety of stages. The teachability hypothesis (Pienemann 1989) is only one of them (for first language learning conf. Gullberg & Indefrey 2011). The contributions to this year’s 8th Matsu13 conference each addressed one stage, what came before, and what was or is to be attained.

Starting with the broadest environment, Ballin, using German in Japan as an example, introduced us to the organization of extracurricular events, which become important if formal instruction is not possible or wanted. Essex informed us of how attitudes towards varieties of the target language, for e.g. Australian or Indian English, can be changed. Finally, Reinelt presented the conditions for, and the organizational difficulties and features of the first holding of a general-education German course continuing beyond the first year.

Taking the recent rapid media developments into account, Carley had his students submit homework and papers over the internet and gave feedback in this environment- friendly learning context.     

Coming to the concrete instructional context, Niewalda presented research and practical approaches to using games in the classroom. A detailed presentation will be available in the OLE at JALT 2014 compendium and a complete paper is presently being prepared for publication.

Three particular skills were addressed in the other presentations: Safari designed an approach to researching one grammar point: Locality Conditions on English Reflexives. Murphy demonstrated his application of the cloze procedure for testing reading comprehension, and Ochi and Carley introduced us to the advantages of techniques for teaching beginning English writing in large sized university classes.

Overall, the topics addressed demonstrated the wide variety and high quality of both research and practice originating from and being recognized in Matsuyama, and relevant for foreign language learning and acquisition in this area and on a global scale. In the future, we will also work on improving the media conditions such as streaming and presenting over Skype.

Next year’s conference with the theme “Improving Practices” is scheduled for Sept. 20 and 21, 2014, and proposals are being accepted until the August 1st  deadline to the conference coordinator at with the subject 9thMatsu14. Please also inform your colleagues of the richness of this page and the opportunity to present at the upcoming 2014 conference in Matsuyama.



Pienemann, M. (1989) Is Language Teachable? Psycholinguistic Experiments and Hypotheses: Applied Linguistics, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pp. 52-79.

Gullber g, M. & Indefrey, P. (eds.) (2011) The Earliest Stages of Language Learning. John Wiley & Sons.


The extended program

Program <プログラム>

Please see the note below (all times are in JST)


The 8th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama

8回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama


Theme: Stages of Foreign Language Learning

テーマ: 外国語学習および教授における段階


Days of the conference開催日2013921()22()

Convening time開催時間921() 13:00-19:00

                           922() 10:00-18:00


開催場所: 愛媛大学(松山市文京町3) 愛大ミューズ3F 343会議室 

Venue: Ehime University, Matsuyama City, Bunkyo-cho, Aidai Muse 3F Convention Room 343


主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト (愛媛大学 教育・学生支援機構)

Organisor: Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University Education and Student Support Center)



Support: Matsuyama City, Matsuyama City Board of Education


1 presentation slot: 50 mins (40 mins presentation + 10 mins break) except if requested otherwise by the presenter(s)


Contact address 連絡: <> 0081- (0)89-927-9359



Everything on this preliminary schedule, except the dates and the venue, can be changed: Starting times, ending times, presentation times as well as length etc., and of course the order of speakers.

Please, especially for Skype-presentations, also consider that the schedule is in Japanese Standard Time.

Please tell us your preferences until September 10th.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

For the organization


Rudolf Reinelt

Saturday 921() First day 1日目


Morning 午前 10:00 – 12:00


Organizational meetings and set-up 関係者ミーティング 及び設営 


additional slots 予備


12:45 開会 歓迎の挨拶 Welcome address


13:00個人発表 Individual presentations


13:00-13:40  Ron Murphy (Ehime University愛媛大学), Using the Cloze Procedure as an Indicator of Reading Comprehension


13:50-14:30  Stephan Ballin (Hiroshima), About the organisation of extracurricular events for adults learners of a foreign language


14:40-15:20  James Essex (Komazawa University 駒澤大学), Attitudes to Accents of English: Before and After


15:30-16:10  Jeanette B. Onongen (Saint Louis University, Philippines), Emancipating Indigenous knowledge as a gateway for second language acquisition


16:20-17:00  Helta Anggia (Bandar Lampung University, Indonesia), The Implementation of non-communicative English Teaching (Teaching English Language Knowledge) Towards an Established Language Learning- Community which is communication-oriented  


17:10-17:50   Ali Safari (Masumeh University, Iran), Persian Adult Learners’ Acquisition of the Locality Condition on English Reflexives


18:00-18:40  Pendo Salu Malangwa (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania-East Africa), Challenges of Translating cultural expressions in teaching kiswahili to foreigners


18:40– 19:00  Conclusion まとめ


19:00 第一日目終了  End of first day

19:30-  反省会及び懇親会  Welcome party

Sunday 922 () Second day2日目


Opening 10:00-10:20 開会 Saturday summary and Sunday preview


10:30 – 12:00  Symposium シンポジウム:


Theme: Stages of Foreign Language Learning

テーマ: 外国語学習および教授における段階


Discussants: All presenters, audience


12:00-13:00  Lunch 昼食


13:00-13:40  Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University愛媛大学), The need for German RR step 2: Towards an advanced beginners’ course at Ehime University


13:50-14:30  Kimiko Ochi and Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), Techniques for Teaching Beginning English Writing to University Students in Large Sized Classes.


14:40-15:20  Harry Carley (Matsuyama University松山大学), How Going Green need not Leave Instructors Red with Rage in a Paperless Classroom


15:30-16:10  Katrin Niewalda (Matsuyama University 松山大学), A project about games in the foreign language classroom


16:20-17:00  additional slots 予備


17:10-17:50  additional slots 予備


18:00  Closing address 閉会の挨拶

End of conference 全日程終了

Extension possible 延長可


Contact address 連絡: <> 0081- (0)89-927-9359