コース生の多くが、夏休みや春休みなどの休業期間中に、海外での語学短期研修に参加したり、9か月以上の長期にわたる海外留学を通して、英語力の向上に努めています。年度末の活動報告会では、準備段階から現地での様子、さらに費用など、様々な情報を先輩コース生が教えてくれます。なお、現在滞在中の学生の報告については、特設ページを用意してありますので、コチラを参照してください。留学・研修先の一例: カナダ(トロント)、アメリカ(ハワイ・ワシントン)、オーストラリア(シドニー)、ニュージーランド(オークランド)、イギリス(ケンブリッジ)
My Summer Vacation in Hawaii
中野 貴衣 Nakano Kie
教育学部教育心理学専修 卒業
This Summer I had many unforgettable experiences in Hawaii. This was my
first trip to go studying abroad. I learned many things through this trip.
First, I learned that it was important to be curious when I talked to people.
I was the only Japanese person in my homestay. Most of my friends had two
or three Japanese people in their house, so they could speak Japanese in
their house. But I couldn’t communicate with people without English. This
situation was good for me. Every day I tried hard to tell my thoughts,
opinions, and feelings in English. My host family talked about many things
especially during dinner time, for example, today’s news and social problems.
I was surprised at the wide variety of topics they could talk about.
At first, I didn’t like dinner time because I couldn’t keep up with their conversation. Especially, the topic of social problems was difficult for me, so I couldn’t comment on this topic. When my host family asked me whether Okinawa was a part of Japan or not, I really didn’t know what I should say. It was because I thought this topic was very delicate and I didn’t have enough vocabulary to explain about this. I regretted that I couldn’t express my opinions well enough. I wanted to join their conversation. So, I tried to understand what they talked about. When I found difficult words in the conversation, I memorized and checked them in my dictionary after dinner. I often nodded and smiled to show that I was listening to them. And, I asked them questions frequently. My behavior was effective. I could talk to my host family little by little. If I stayed longer in Hawaii, I could tell not only agreements but also my opinions. I wanted to talk to my host family more. I know it is difficult to be able to speak English fluently in only three weeks, but I want to speak English well. I have to study English harder in Japan. And, someday I want to discuss many things with them.
Second, I learned how to do effective presentations. I was in a High Intermediate class. I had to do my presentations three times. My first presentation was bad. I couldn’t communicate my information well. I just spoke while looking at my notes all the time. I didn’t look at my classmates’ faces during my presentation because I was very nervous. I had a classmate who was an office worker. His presentation was very good. It was easy to understand because he used a blackboard effectively. I was surprised. I didn’t know such a way of presentation. I often use Power Point in Japan, but in this class, we didn’t use it. So, it was difficult for me to think about how to show my presentation. In my final presentation, I wrote key words on a blackboard with chalk like him and made eye contact with my classmates and the teacher. Of course, I was nervous, but it was my best presentation I have ever done.
Finally, my efforts were highly recognized by my teacher. She said to me
“You gained confidence in presentations.” I was happy to hear it. This
summer vacation was wonderful. I have never spent such fruitful days. I
spoke English every day. Sometimes I felt it was harder to use English
than Japanese but I think my English improved. If I have a chance, I want
to go to study abroad again.
平松 宏隆 Hirotaka Hiramatsu
工学部機能材料工学科 卒業
初めて自分が英語を教える立場になってみて、どういう場面で助言をするのが一番効果的なのか、学ぶ側のことを考えるきっかけになりました。 学生がネイティブの先生の説明や文法、イディオムについて困っているときに相談にのったり、自分で質問ができない時に、代わりに英語で質問するなどして、(英語が得意でない)後輩たちの役に立てたのではないかと思います。
藤田悠里 Yuri Fujita
教育学部国際理解教育コース 卒業
Dancer”、“Marley and Me”、“A girl with green eyes”など、フィクションストーリーを多く読んでいます。現在では、Reading
Level 3の "Who, Sir? Me, Sir?" をメンバーと一緒に朗読しています。活動内容としては、本書の朗読後、新出語句の確認、内容の確認(要約)、そして内容についてディスカッションを行う流れで行っています。
松田 彩 Aya Matsuda
教育学部(英語教育) 卒業
How are you?)、天気(What’s the weather today? It’s sunny!)など年間を通して繰り返し行うものがあります。全身を使って、楽しく歌ったり踊ったりする中で、子どもたちは、言葉の意味を自分なりに理解できるようになってきました。そうした子どもたちの成長の様子を見ながら、色や形(Triangle,
Star)、お話(Where’s Spot?など)を取り入れるなど、扱う内容を少しずつ変えています。
A: 1回生の2月に応募書類を出すまでに1年次に受験する英語統一試験(TOEIC Bridge IP)で160点以上、あるいは他の英語検定試験で同等以上の成績を有する必要があります。 また、応募時にはエッセイなどの課題が出ることがあります。
A: 4月に新コース生を集めてオリエンテーションを開催します。コースの説明や実際にお世話になる先生方の紹介もこの時に行われます。
A: メンター教員とは英語の学習、留学の相談など英語に関することなら何でも相談できる先生のことです。希望者には、2回生の10月に、メンター教員を一人決定します。ただし、一人の教員に多数の応募があった場合は抽選となる場合があります。
A: 英語プロフェッショナル養成コースでは、一年に1度(コース初年次のみ一年に2度)自分の英語力をチェックできるようにTOEIC IPの受験を無料で行っています。
愛媛県松山市文京町3番 愛媛大学
愛大ミューズ2F 英語教育センター
TEL 089-927-8340
URL: http://web.eec.ehime-u.ac.jp/