The OLE at JALT 2013 Compendium




Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

The OLE at JALT 2013 Compendium




containing all materials from the OLE-related events at JALT 2013, October 26 and 27, 2013 in Kobe

a service of Ehime University for JALT’s Other Languages Educators Special Interest Group

Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

May 2014


Issued by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory   ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室発行


For citation:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName (2013) Title-of-the-paper-you-are-citing. In:

Reinelt, R. (ed.) (2013) The OLE at JALT 2013 Compendium compiled for OLE by Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan, p. first page – last page.






主催:JALT Japanese Association for Language Teaching

OLE Other Language Educators SIG







ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室、愛媛大学  教育・学生支援機構

Organization: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University Center for General Education

All rights remain with the authors and the original publishers

All materials and papers only free for viewing. For educational and research uses contact the authors or the editor










Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)

The OLE at JALT 2013 Compendium

JALT 2013におけるOLE資料全集

Oct. 26 & 27, 2013102627

Kobe Convention Center, Portopia, Kobe,

Hyogo-ken, Japan

松山市 愛媛大学

May 2014

Issued for OLE at JALT by:

Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory

Institute for Education and Student Support

Center for General Education

Ehime University

Bunkyo-cho 3

790-8577 Matsuyama, Japan

-81-(0)89-927-9359 (T/F)

Table of Contents                                                                                             page


OLE at JALT2013: Coordinator’s Introduction                                              6


Presentation materials and papers

in order of presenta

tion at events (for abc-order see the volume-final index)          8


296 Individual Presentation

1.Fazilah Husin, Student perspective on MLFL for lifelong voyage                             11


298 The OLE SIG Forum

2.Katrin Niewalda, Learning while playing? Games in foreign language teaching       



3. Morten Hunke, Kamishibai Japanese Kamishibai紙芝居 – inspired group presentations



4. Bertlinde Voegel, Gehirnforschung in der Unterrichtspraxis – Lassen sich Verbesserungen beobachten?                                                                     26


5. Margit Krause-Ono, Maria Gabriela Schmidt and Bertlinde Voegel, Wenn die eigene Wahrnehmungsweise nicht mehr reicht...                                                            28


6. Rudolf Reinelt, Weiteres Fremdsprachenlernen in S1 und S2                         32


284 French Forum

7. Philip Adamek, L’héritage religieux dans le néo-athéisme (The religious heritage within neo-atheism)                                                                                            36


8. Eric Fortin, La théorie du chaos dans l’apprentissage du français – l’utilisation des intelligences multiples après l’université                                                            41


9. Timothy Buthod, Jacques Brel - Comment traduire ses chansons en anglais?           43


349 Spanish Forum

10. Cecilia Silva, Diseño de materiales didácticos: la pluriculturalidad ocupa lugar     



11. Javier Millanes and Andres Garcia Alvarez, ????? SER PROFESOR HOY ¿Cómo ha cambiado nuestra metodología?                                                                              51


220 FL Teaching in the 21st Century

12. Nobuyuki Tsukahara, Forming learning communicaties based on ICT  ICTによる学習コミュニティー形成                                                                                                                              62


257 Multilingualism Forum

13. Andreas Kasjan, Zur Entwicklung eines multilingualen Lernmoduls für iPhone, iPad, iPod und Computer 初修外国語による携帯端末表現モジュールの開発につい     79


14. Don Maybin, Pitfalls and Potholes: Testing Languages in Situ                                83


15. Margit Krause-Ono, Im Jahr 5 der Ausrichtung der 2. Fremdsprachen nach GER



16. Alexander Imig,CEFR+Multilingua in Japan                                               90


17. Marco Raindl, Sprachengebrauch in der Gruppenarbeit – die Lernenden entscheiden 

Language use during group work – the learners decide                                    92


240 German Workshop

18. Axel Harting, Wahl der Lehrsprache im Deutschunterricht: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Hochschullehrenden und – lernenden in Japan                                                   99


19. Carsten Waychert, Studie zu den Einstellungen von Deutsch – Lernenden im ersten Studienjahr                                                                                                         107


20. Masami Morita, Grammtik lehren und lernen – subjektiv betrachtet von den Lehrenden                                                                                                        115


Timeline for OLE in 2014                                                                                 126

OLEatJALT2013 presentations in alphabetical order of presenters               127

Scenes from OLE at JALT 2013                                                                      129


OLE at JALT 2013: Coordinator’s Introduction

First, we have to remember Kevin Cleary, the acting JALT president, who passed away on January 14th, 2014. He was always supportive of OLE and we still remember his warm welcome address to the 2nd OLE SIG conference at Chukyo University in Nagoya in Oct. 2013. We hope the next president will also have a benevolent eye on OLE.

Due to a number of new classes and the start of a completely new course, most work at the coordinator’s office has been delayed. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. 

With the incredible delay of five months, we have finally come around to issuing this compendium. As most presentation dealt with research not otherwise available, a look at the presentations gathered here is still rewarding.


A brief look back on OLE at JALT 2013 at Portopia, Kobe

Considering that OLE had the room Sumire, on the second floor of the hotel and thus somewhat far from the main conference building, all for itself on the Saturday and Sunday, the presentations were fairly well attended, from a high of over 20 to a low of 3. There was also one on-the-spot break presentation by Oliver Rose, introducing his vocabulary softwares. In sum, there were 22 presentations by 26 presenters in the Spanish and German workshops, the French and the Multilingualism Forum, and the FL teaching in the 21st Century panel.


Table 1: OLE at JALT 2013 in numbers

Name of event

Nr. of presentations/presenters


Individual presentation


English, Malay



English, various

Multilingualism Forum


English, various

FLT in the 21st century


English, Katalan, var.

The French worktable



Spanish Workshop



German Workshop





The OLE AGM: Report and elections

In the OLE AGM on Saturday evening, the coordinator presented the report for the time between last year’s and this year’s conference. This report was accepted. For the elections, all officers stepped down. The following were elected as new officers:

Coordinator: Rudolf Reinelt

Treasurer: Gabriela Schmidt

Membership: Andreas Kasjan

Program Manager: Eric Fortin

Public Relations: Alexander Imig

The complete coordinator’s report will appear in coming issues of the OLE newsletter.

This compendium gathers most presentations, but some have already appeared e.g. as papers in other places, so they could not be included here. In such a case, please contact the author(s) directly. We would like to thank the authors, who have made their presentations available for this homepage. We especially thank Ehime university for reserving this space. Please inform as many of your colleagues, friends, etc. of this resource as possible.

Your OLE SIG coordinator,

Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University

OLE language policy





Presentation materials and papers

in order of presentation at events (for abc-order see the volume-final index)



All presentations are in the OLE room Sumire



296 Fazilah Husin, ”Student perspective on MLFL for lifelong voyage” (25min)

Time: Sat. 1:20-1:45 pm


<298 The OLE SIG Forum>

Title: Classroom management and 2FL productive skills

Time: Sat. 4:50-6:20 pm

1. Katrin Niewalda, Learning while playing?

2. Morten Hunke, “Kamishibai Japanese 紙芝居 – inspired group presentations”

3. Bertlinde Voegel, “Using brain research for instruction: Can we ascertain improvements?”

4. Margit Krause-Ono, Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Bertlinde Vögel,“Wenn die eigene Wahrnehmungsweise nicht mehr reicht...“ "When perception reaches its limits..."

5. Reinelt, Rudolf, „Weiteres Fremdsprachenlernen in S1 und S2“


<821 OLE AGM>

Time: Sat. 6:35-7:00 pm


284French Forum

Title: French Forum – Sailing into the Future

Time: Sun. 9:00-10:00(-10:10) am

1. Philip Adamek:  "Depuis ou vers où le pardon chez Derrida?"
. Eric Fortin:  "La théorie du chaos dans l’apprentissage du français – l’utilisation des intelligences multiples après l’université"
. Timothy Buthod:  "Jacques Brel - Comment traduire ses chansons en anglais?"


<349 Spanish Forum>

Title: Resources for a lifelong trip to Spanish learning

Time: Sun. 11:35 am -1:05 pm

1. Cecilia Silva and Paula Letelier,El lugar de la multiculturalidad en los materiales didácticos

2. Javier Millanes and Andres Garcia Alvarez,Fomento de la interacción y la participación con herramientas TIC: de lo lúdico a lo cognitivo

3. Danya Ramirez Gomez, Singularidades del aula de L2 para el adulto mayor

<220 FL Teaching in the 21st Century>

Time: Sun. 1:20-2:20 pm

1. Nobuyuki Tsukahara, ICTによる学習コミュニティー形成“Forming learning communities based on ICT”


<Coffee Time Presentation>

Oliver Rose
Lex Word Game App -
Kanji Games Website -
Kanji Connect Facebook Page -


<257 Multilingualism Forum>

Title: The Multilingualism-Forum: Facilitating Learning

Time: Sun. 3:50-5:20 pm

1. Andreas Kasjan, “Zur Entwicklung eines multilingualen Lernmoduls für iPhone, iPad, iPod und Computer

2. Don Maybin, “Pitfalls and Potholes: Testing Languages In Situ”

3. Margit Krause-Ono, “Im Jahr 5 der Ausrichtung der 2. Fremdsprachen nach GER”

4. Alexander Imig, “Rahmen für Kooperationen: Can-dos und andere Instrumente im Bereich DaF”

5. Marco Raindl, “Sprachengebrauch in der Gruppenarbeit – die Lernenden entscheiden”“Language use during group work – the learners decide“


<240 German Workshop>

Title: The German Workshop: University freshmen’s factors

Time: Sun. 5:35-7:05 pm

1. Axel Harting, “Wahl der Lehrsprache im Deutschunterricht: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Hochschullehrenden und – lernenden in Japan

2. Carsten Waychert, “Studie zu den Einstellungen von Deutsch – Lernenden im ersten Studienjahr“

3. Mieko Fujiwara, “Einfluss eines Lehrwerks auf die Motivation zum Deutschlernen im universitären Bereich“

4. Masami Morita, “Grammtik lehren und lernen – subjektiv betrachtet von den Lehrenden“

5. Kazuya Abe, “Erzeugung einer Datenbank für Deutschlehrbücher (On creating a German textbook database)